According to me cricket is favourite sport in india.People's love for cricket in india is endless.Many of the Indians worship some cricketers as their
God.This love for cricket first started when India won the 1983 world cup to everyone's surprise .
Street cricket is very popular in India.In the countryside, dried lakes and river beds are often used as playgrounds for cricket.In towns it is played in parks,apartment parkings or on the road as in the picture above.The game requires a very small amount of investment.
A tennis or rubber ball is used to play.Bricks or the branches of trees are used as the wickets.
For the toss many innovative forms are used(when a
coin is not available for the toss)
like a small stone is tossed or the
Guess in or out form in which a small stone is clenched in a wrist and wrist is rotated in motion very fast.The opposite captain has to guess whether the stone(or any other object) is still in the wrist or thrown away.The captain winning the toss almost
chooses to bat first, not considering any facts like
pitch condition.
The length of the pitch is usually
smaller than the actual
22 yard pitch.
The umpire is usually a person who is not playing from any of the side.In absence of such a person a player from batting side acts as an umpire.There are lot of disputes betwwen the teams on issues like wide ball,run out,no ball,four,six etc.
A batsman is declared out if he
breaks a window,hits the ball out of the park and in all such cases.
The winning team gets nothing except the "
great joy of winning".